New page "How Long Does it Take to Register a Trademark in Japan?" has been added to our website.

How long does it take to register a trademark in Japan?


If you have that question, let's find out by reading our new article "How Long Does it Take to Register a Trademark in Japan?" posted in our website. Then, you do not have to be worried about how soon the examination result will be coming into your email inbox.

The page can be found under "Trademark Services" --> "Trademark Registration" --> "How Long Does it Take to Register a Trademark in Japan?".



Today, I would like to write a little bit about importance of taking time for preparation before filing a trademark application especially in countries other than your own country.


When you file a trademark application in countries other than your own country, it is a good idea to take a longer preparation time so that you have time to discuss with and ask questions that you have to the representatives in those countries before filing. The trademark laws, examination criteria etc. are different in every country. So, we recommend that contents of your trademark application be adjusted according to the country where you are filing it, instead of using the exact same contents as those of the trademark application filed in your own country. In this way, you might enjoy more effective or sometimes broader protection by the trademark right.


Moreover, if there is enough time to prepare, the representatives will be able to carefully prepare and draft an application so to avoid unnecessary objections from examiners. And this might result in making an application period shorter, and you might obtain an examiner's approval faster in the end.

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