Accelerated Trademark Examination Process in Japan


There is an accelerated examination available for trademark applications filed to the Japan Patent Office.

We will explain how sooner you will get the examination result if the accelerated examination is requested, and also its requirements.



How sooner will we receive the outcome of an examination?

You will receive the outcome of an examination in about 2 months from submission of a request for the accelerated examination.


If the request is found inadmissible based on the evidences, the request will be rejected. In such cases, the trademark application will go back to the normal waiting queue. It is possible to file another request for the accelerated examination with different evidences.


What are the requirements?

In order for the accelerated Examination to be permitted, there is one essential requirement, which is:

  • you must have been using or prepared use of the applied-for mark with regard to at least one of the designated goods and/or services, and
  • a copy of the evidential materials of such use or preparation of use of the mark by its applicant(s) and/or licensee(s) must be submitted.


In addition to that, there are other requirements as well.

There are different sets of requirements that you might choose from, depending upon your situations.


If you would like to register your trademark as fast as possible, please consult us for further details.